How are Grade 12 Final Marks Calculated 2022 | How Are Matric Results Calculated

How are Grade 12 Final Marks Calculated 2022 | How Are Matric Results Calculated. At the beginning of every year, the previous year’s matric learners...
HomeOnline LearningGrade 10Life Orientation Grade 10 Project 2022 Memo PDF Download | Life orientation...

Life Orientation Grade 10 Project 2022 Memo PDF Download | Life orientation grade 10 term 3 task project memorandum 2022 PDF

Life Orientation Grade 10 Project 2022 Memo PDF Download |Life orientation grade 10 term 3 task project memorandum 2022 PDF, Life Orientation equips learners to engage on personal, psychological, neuro-cognitive, motor, physical, moral, spiritual, cultural, socio-economic and constitutional levels, to respond positively to the demands of the world, to assume responsibilities, and to make the most of life’s opportunities.

life orientation grade 10 project 2022 memo, Life orientation grade 10 term 3 task project memorandum 2022 Download here PDF File Project Guide, Life orientation grade 10 term 3 task project memorandum 2022

Life Orientation Grade 10 Project 2022 Memo PDF Download | Life orientation grade 10 term 3 task project memorandum 2022 PDF

Life orientation grade 10 term 3 task project memorandum 2022; We are facing a constantly changing world and learn- ers need to be prepared with skills, competencies, knowledge, and experience to navigate that change.

Careers will not be the same in the future as they are now. Through this project, learners will discover more about existing careers and think about careers of the future. Learners will have the opportunity to speak to real professionals find out their experiences and in the process share this information with their peers in a career expo!

Careers and Career choices

The following CAPS outcomes are assessed through this project:

Week 7: Diversity in Jobs

Economic sectors: primary (raw materials), secondary (finished products or goods) and tertiary (infrastructure and providing services)

Week 8: Workplace settings

  • Workplace environment and conditions; indoors and outdoors
  • Activities involved in each job: designing, assembling and growing
  • Skills and competencies Week 9-10: Opportunities within different career fields
  • Opportunities within different career fields including work in recreation, fitness and sport industries:
  • Research skills, salary package, promotion and further study prospects
  • Profitable use of time, how to use talents in working and career opportunities, enjoyment and transfer of skills to other related industries

There are 5 main topics which are studied in Life Orientation in the Senior Phase:

  • Development of the self in society – This topic works on self-concept, including motivation and self-image. Learners throughout Senior Phase will also look at subjects such as personal diet and nutrition, peer pressure, relationships and friendships as part of the teaching. This topic will also touch on challenging situations including depression, grief, loss, trauma and crisis. This is so that they are better equipped to deal with these situations if they experience them in the real world.
  • Health, social and environmental responsibility – This topic area covers things like substance abuse and environmental health issues. There is also time spent on common diseases. Learners will also look at things such as volunteering as a concept as well as dealing with health and safety issues related to violence.
  • Constitutional rights and responsibilities – This topic has a focus on human rights, religions, cultural diversity and fair play. There’s also some time spent on the concept of nation building and relating some of the above focuses to South Africa itself. Gender equity, constitutional values and issues that relate to citizens’ rights and responsibilities are all looked at.
  • World of work – This topic area is all about preparing tour Senior Phase students for further education and life after school. Time is spent on different learning styles and career paths. You’ll also spend some time talking about which options are available to them after Grade 9, including appropriate subject choices for their chosen career. You could spend some time talking about different careers and how each member of the class wishes to move forwards.
  • Physical education – During Life Orientation students are introduced to participating in a fitness programme and are encouraged to play various sports and games throughout Senior Phase. They will also participate in outdoor recreational programmes and learn to refine their performance in movement activities as well as take into account safety issues for each activity.

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